First off - my apologies to Joy Orbison and to Richard Snitch for the dreadful tempo slides during their tracks - amateur stuff and I should've been paying better attention. Trust me I'm chastising myself quite hard about this. Bad Toad.... baaaaad toad...
A quick plug for the awesome Ghostly International label who love you and show you their love by giving you free music. The Christopher Willis track comes on their "Ghostly Essential rarerities 2" LP which you can download from here for absolutely nothing. Ghostly have on their artist roster Lusine, Gold Panda, Tycho and School of Seven Bells all of which make regular appearances on these podcasts, so if you like Back To Mine, you like Ghostly. :) Also that Apparat track is also a freebie as part of the promotion for his DJ Kicks release on !K7 and you can get that from here. Now, lets tell you the whole
Max Cooper - The End of Reason Peter Broderick - Human Eyeballs on Toast Christopher Willis - Orange Lit Spaces (electricwest Rmx) Tycho - Sunrise Projector (Nautilus rmx) Apparat - Sayulita Lusine - The Stop aKido - Epoch (Get High) Pantha du Prince - Water Falls Kraftwerk - Electro Kardiogramm Simian Mobile Disco - It's the Beat (Luke Vibert remix) Luke Vibert - Stern Facials Vital Substance - Inside of Me Joy Orbison - Hyph Mngo Mount Kimbie - Carbonated Posthuman - The Grey aKido - Paper Chase Snitch - This Condition Zinc - Wile Out (DJ Marky remix)
BTM20101027 by machv