news: old music is back!

We've just got back from a week of festivals (more on that later) only to find that the lovely ali jamieson has encoded an old ambient drum and bass mix I did about 10 years ago (maybe more) from it's original cassette format into mp3s (in two parts, so you can enjoy that "turn over the tape" moment again) for you to stream, download and listen to. Hope you appreciate it in all it's glorious mid rich TDK AD90 Dolby quality. :) Music for sleeping Robots by @alijamieson

In other news, after a small prod from the lovely Penny Jones I've just uploaded an old bootleg of mine on to soundcloud - The remarkably silly "Bring the Schnauss" is now available free of charge to you, dear reader.

Bring The Schnauss (Mach V Edit) by machv