Horse Feathers

Mach V @ Back to Mine, 20110916 - Contains periods of intentional silence


So I'm back from another summer of UK weekend festivalisation and, from now on, I should be fairly tucked up at home for the foreseeable, until the xmas season kicks in at least. What does this mean to you, dear listener/reader/subscriber? Well it should mean more regular weekly shows from me and maybe, just maybe me sorting out the podcast issues (if anyone does actually manage to listen in to these shows via itunes/feedburner I'd love to hear from you; just send me an email to djmachv at gmail or tweet me at @djmachv because I fear that the podcast side of things is not working properly).

I'm also going to be looking into changing my facebook group - Mach V's Musical Appreciation - into either a page or an updated group and I'd love to hear from you if you have any thoughts and advice on that, too. Oh, for those other musical podcasts/shows I listen to, they are as follows:

The Svelte Selection

Bam Bam Sound

Shady Ladies

So, for this show, I decided to put it in reverse gear and start at the uptempo and take it to the downtempo and I think it was quite a successful selection - I'm sure the live japanese listeners enjoyed a set that sent them off to bed rather than made them get up again. :) Anyway, nuff wibble from me... here's the


Squarepusher - My Red Hot Car
Arkist - Vallina Imitate
Disclosure - Offline Dexterity
George Fixtgerald - Silhouette
Loden - News The
Loden - Twerk
Synkro - Just Say
Kelpe _ Toy Castle
Dosh - Country Road
Origamibiro - Impressions Of Footfall
Vondelpark - TV
Boards of Canada - Dayvan Cowboy (Odd Nosdam Remix)
Conquering Animal Sound - Giant
Horse Feathers – Drain You
input Junkie - Simple (Minke's Bossa Remix)
Synkro - Letting Go (dBridge Remix)
Peter Gabriel/ Bon Iver - Come Talk to Me
Gillian Welch - Silver Dagger

BTM20110914 by machv

Mach V presents "The Bearding Hour" 20110123


So here it is, the first of The Bearding Hour for 2011 and I'm very glad to say that the wonderful and charming Souum Cortes (aka Bruno Gravato) will be joining me on the the nights of The Beading Hour, at Back to Mine in Second Life and you can here his set which followed mine here Oh the picture that accompanies this post is my new guitar and I love it. :) Anyway as I've got two podcasts to upload and blog about today, I think it's time for less whaffle and more


Pink Floyd - Fearless 
Neil Young - Old Man 
Peter Broderick - Below It 
The Books - There is no There 
The Tallest Man on Earth - King of Spain 
Canned Heat - Up The Country 
Megafaun - Where You Belong 
Jack Rose - Blues for Percy Danforth 
Dan Arborise - I Cannot Find 
Laura Veirs - I Can See Your Tracks 
Horse Feathers - Albina 
Genesis - Harlequin 
Bibio - Dopplerton 
Tunng - The Wind Up Bird 
Anais Mitchell/Rachel Reis - When you fall 
James Taylor - Going to Carolina (live 2010)

TBH20110123 by machv