machv September 26, 2017 Food, Gin A year on the Gin: So farewell then - Hven Organic Gin machv September 26, 2017 Food, Gin So it's farewell to the hven gin and I've got to say you've impressed not just me but my friends as well. This is a great gin with a nose full of spruce, lemon and rosemary (with a hint of pepper) but delivering a friendly and hearty mouth full of flavour including vanilla sweetness (like a fruit salad penny chew) and buttery undertones. This isn't a subtle gin but a robust & easy going one, like the family golden retriever bounding alongside you on a good late summer walk. It's sweetness is superb in a variety of tonics and I couldn't seem to put foot wrong with it. My old criticism would be the rather OTT packaging it came in. #hven #gin #ginstagram #cocktails #booze #snapseed #iphone6plus #ginandtonic #backafallsbyn #twitter A post shared by Mach V (@djmachv) on Mar 24, 2017 at 10:59am PDT