Mach V presents "The Bearding Hour", 20101128


New Beardy Mach So no "Back To Mine" this week as it's time once again for another dip into to the hirsute waters of "The Bearding Hour", my bimonthly hour long podcast of the folkier side of my record collection (and a great excuse to buy new bearded skin in Second Life). Annoyingly, Torq was playing up again and was stretching and warping the tracks, the worst effected was Bon Iver's "Re: Stacks" which I couldn't let lie, so I've reedited it Audacity to pluck the offending track out and replace it with a far cleaner version (yes I get that probably this only matters to me). Oh and the first one's for Bill, the last is for Bruno. Here's the...


Hawkwind - Hurry on Sundown Origamibiro - Bloodpulse of the Hungry Fingertip Beak - Cup James Yuill - You Always Bibio - Great are the Piths Peter Broderick - And It's Alright Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova - Falling Slowly City and Colour - Confessions Snowblink - Human Nature Bon Iver - Re: Stacks Jason Steel - Baby Bay Sam Amidon - Relief Sarah Jaffe - Black Hoax Lie Rachel Ries - You Only Mountain Man - How'm I Doin First Aid Kit - Ghost Town Tunng - Code Breaker

TBH20101128 by machv